Stress affects the majority of us on a daily basis, so it's not surprising that it has a bad effect on both our mental and physical health. 

As Naturefit Provide Online Consultation with Ayush Doctors and Eustress, or mild to moderate stress, is healthy for you since it motivates you to complete activities and keep yourself safe. But how precisely does persistent stress harm your health? What part do the doshas play in all of this? Continue reading for the Ayurvedic viewpoint on stress and easy techniques to maintain balance.

The micro is the same as the macro.

According to this fundamental idea of Ayurveda, every person is a microcosm of the wider environment that surrounds us. As a result, the internal tension we experience is a reflection of the surrounding turmoil, and vice versa. It is obvious that your surroundings has a significant impact on your mental well-being.

We become out of balance when we neglect our body' natural rhythms, multitask, consume media, use artificial lighting, and eat artificial foods. Our bodies struggle to maintain equilibrium when we become so cut off from nature. These internal conflicts have an impact on our immunity, digestion, sleep, and mood.

the Doshas

Your doshas might be determined by how you handle stress. Your Prakriti (birth constitution), current imbalances, or both may be reflected in it (vikriti)

Worry, fear, and anxiety are the primary responses of Vata. The air element has a tendency to become swiftly unanchored, losing focus on the present and enabling one's imagination to wander to worst-case or what-if scenarios.

Pitta typically reacts with anger, irritability, and impatience. Pitta's explosive temper could be brought on by a lack of restraint.

#Tips for Balance

We can better control our experience when we comprehend our stress reaction and the doshas that underlie it. Eliminating the cause is the greatest method to balance your stress. Here are some Ayurvedic methods to balance your stress by dosha since quitting your job could be unrealistic.

Vata, which represents the air and space elements, is prone to worry, fear, and anxiety. Connect with the powerful, stabilising, and grounding earth and water components to achieve balance. Try earthing, or grounding, by putting your bare feet on the ground and eating warm, soft, soupy foods that are high in healthful fats. Get lots of sleep.


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