Ayurveda uses ghee (clarified butter).

 The best of the four forms of fats mentioned by Ayurveda is Desi Cow's Ghee. Desi Cow's Ghee is rarely or never available today. Naturefit Provide Online Consultation with Ayush Doctors .Therefore, to meet the body's need for healthy fat, we advise consuming oilseeds and nuts rather than ghee. Let's talk about the ayurvedic viewpoint on Desi Cow's Ghee.

Ghee is listed on our prohibited food list. What ayurveda says about ghee is just for informational purposes in this article. We advise adopting a whole-foods plant-based diet and practising vegan ayurveda.

The selection of cows for the production of milk is also advised by Ayurveda. Here are some guidelines for choosing a cow to milk:
1)A healthy cow should be present. There should be no physical or mental illness in the cow.
2)You shouldn't take milk from a cow if it is moaning.
3)No cow should be forced to become pregnant. The animal should be able to reproduce naturally and agreeably.
4)The calf ought to be breathing. If the calf is dead or slaughtered, the milk from that cow causes those who drink or consume dairy products manufactured from that cow's milk pain, disease (particularly heart and mental ailments), anguish, and suffering.
5)You shouldn't accept milk from that cow even if a calf dies naturally and isn't slaughtered. People who consume this milk experience the same mental agony as cows do.
6)The calf need to remain with its mother. Once the calf is satisfied, you can take any extra milk and Naturefit Provide Online Consultation with Ayush Doctors .

House cows received a lot of love from humans in the past. House cows were valued and given good care. Cows are becoming merely agricultural and milk-producing machinery.

#Ghee derived from respectable desi cow's milk is beneficial, according to Ayurveda.
#Ghee enhances strength, intelligence, memory, and digestive fire.
#It benefits eyes, children, the elderly, and reproduction.
#It enhances voice, complexion, and fertility.
#It aids in the treatment of burns, herpes, lung injury, lung wasting, and injuries brought on by sharp objects.
#It helps with vata and pitta illnesses.
Additionally, it helps with fever, tuberculosis, lunacy, and poisoning and Naturefit Provide Online Consultation with Ayush Doctors 


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