Your Guide to Ayurvedic Superfoods

 The term “superfood” has undoubtedly been heard by everybody and everyone who is interested in leading a healthy lifestyle. Naturefit Provide Ayurveda Doctor Consultation and You most likely already know what this trendy keyword signifies.

Superfoods are frequently defined as nourishing foods with great health advantages, plant-based substances that provide superhuman amounts of energy, or greens supplements that support a strong immune system.
The word “superfood” was first used as a marketing technique, and while all of these descriptors are accurate, you might be shocked to hear that there isn’t an official or legal definition.
Although there are many different definitions of “superfoods,” let’s start with the fact that they are generally understood to be nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, and herbs that have remarkable health advantages. It’s crucial to bear in mind that many regular, everyday functional foods offer amazing health advantages while keeping this in mind.
Consider the following well-known Ayurvedic saying to see how important food is as medicine:
From an Ayurvedic perspective, the term “superfood” would probably not be limited to a small number of plant species, but rather refer to the meals, herbs, and spices that would best support a particular person and their unique health requirements at any given moment.
Having said that, we’ve chosen to take the liberty of defining superfoods in accordance with traditional Ayurvedic principles and current scientific findings.
Banyan has come up with the following definition of a superfood based on a number of shared qualities of the foods and herbs that are considered to be superfoods:
Herbal superfoods are often nutrient-dense and offer a significant amount of important vitamins and minerals. Many also boast significant concentrations of fibre, vital amino acids, and antioxidants. 3 Different Advantages: A superfoods supplement often provides a number of unique advantages and supports the body in a variety of ways. Herbal superfoods frequently have a preference for multiple organs or systems.
Superfoods generally provide nourishment and rejuvenation. They function as rasayanas, or compounds that rejuvenate and regenerate the tissues, in Ayurvedic parlance. 4 They frequently aid in developing a strong ojas, the body’s store of power and strength.


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