In order to carry out their activities, hormones are chemical messengers that are secreted into your blood and transported to the body's organs and tissues. NatureFit provides online Ayurvedic doctor consultation free and There are numerous different hormone kinds, and they affect various biological processes and functions.

We may divide them into three groups to make things easier: Growth and development factors like thyroid hormones control metabolism and other body processes. Estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, FSH, and LH are the main sex hormones. Adrenaline, cortisol, and DHEA are stress hormones that have an impact on insulin and metabolism.

Hormone Imbalance Warning Signs Because hormones are important for numerous biological functions, imbalances can manifest in various ways.

Major pressures and life events, some of which may be transient, like delivery and weaning, can cause an imbalance. Others, however, are the result of a buildup of environmental pollutants, chronic stress, digestive issues, and nutritional inadequacies, to mention a few. Here are a few typical symptoms:

weariness difficulty to lose weight hair loss & thinning

Stress hormones include adrenaline, cortisol, and DHEA, which in turn alter insulin and metabolism. Sex hormones include estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and FSH and LH.

Why Do Hormone Imbalances Occur?

Stress is the most frequent factor in hormonal imbalance. We are overworked and undersupported as a whole. We're expected to juggle a career, a family, a home, exercise, maintain a good appearance, and maintain a social life. And even though it is obvious that WE CAN accomplish it all, we shouldn't have to.

Toxins in our environment and in the food we eat are two more significant causes. Women apply 168 chemicals to their bodies on average per day, thus it is not surprising that thyroid disease affects them more frequently than men (by a factor of 5-8).

Do you want to know a small secret? The writings of Ayurveda do not particularly mention "hormones." Instead, they had a thorough understanding of how our body's organs and systems, such as the thyroid, pancreas, testicles, ovaries, etc. As  NatureFit provides online Ayurvedic doctor consultation free and interacted to keep everything in balance. By balancing the doshas, they offered remedies for hormonal problems, including reproductive and metabolic illnesses including PMS, diabetes, and thyroid disease.


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